Sunday, April 3, 2011

Something I Love So Very Much

Conference Weekend! Yay!

This has been a wonderful weekend. I look forward to general conference for months before it comes. My faith, hope, and peace are always renewed. I come away with a refreshed vigor for life and gratitude for the beautiful blessings I enjoy every day.
I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth, organized in the way He directed, and led by men who sacrifice so much and live in such a way as to be worthy of the constant guidance of the Holy Ghost!
This weekend my brother Nate and his wife Krista came to town for a visit. They have been very missed. My son Jairus and their daughter Katlyn are little adorable partners in crime. They LOVE each other.We had a big family get together at our house with all six of us kids, their spouses and kids and of course my mom and dad.  We got family pictures taken, had an Easter egg hunt for all SEVENTEEN of the grand kids and just revelled in the chaos. I think it's pretty amazing to see all that my parents have created.

Up next- I'm working Marley's Hermia costume for the upcoming A Midsummer's Night Dream. It's funny how most of time I'll do whatever it takes to make time to sew because I love it.....but now that I have to, I'm more than dragging my feet.